Pick your poison for today’s walk down Fear Street: one’s bonkers and silly and features some good gore, and one’s basically incels r’ us, aka an adult thriller in YA clothing. Guess which one I preferred??

Free on tor.com, this gob-smack of a story is classic Solomon, and it’ll change your life.

This is the perfect not-too-scary-but-still-pretty-damn-scary book for spooky season.

LOLOLOL This book was incredibly corny.

This book had me so excited. It WAS going to be an entry in Lavender’s Angry Girls/Furious Femmes series, but the way it ended and the way it undercut any initial empowering message about survivors rising up in fury sent it here instead. Sadly.

For the month of October, instead of Tordotcom novellas, Tuesdays will be devoted to the (equally short) works of Mr. R. L. Stine. Tinka’s stoked for the change-up, and so am I.

Zen Cho does SO MUCH in this novel, and all of it is amazing!

This absolute delight of a graphic novel is so sweet and cozy, featuring a cast of sentient vegetables, their witch creator, and a not-so-scary vampire who may not be so bloodthirsty after all.

As with pretty much all Talia Hibbert books I’ve read (including a lot of her indie titles), this book was a pure joy to read.

I’m beginning to think that Peter Swanson distrusts cis white men as much as I do.